Saturday, December 15, 2007


Best Places to Shop

The best places to shop for sneakers are Foot Locker, Sneaker Villa, and Champs. Foot Locker always has discounted prices on selected sneakers and promos such as 2 for $89. Sneaker Villa always has the latest sneakers out before anyone else. If you want the latest releases first go to Sneaker Villa. And Champs has great deals as well. Their deals are similar to Foot Lockers but they have a greater selection when it comes to athletic shoes compared to casual shoes.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Best Christmas Gift

The best gift this christmas is the Nike Air Max Focus Boot. It comes in alot of different colors. Most of the colors include brown, green, orange, and a few other winter colors. This shoe can be worn by men, women, and children. It can be found at Footlocker and many other sneaker stores.